How to Pray Effectively
In “How to pray effectively” we teach how valuable, easy, and simple is a life of prayer. When we learn to pray, not religiously but from an intimate personal relationship with God knowing how to pray in different situations that may arise, the believer’s lifestyle becomes attractive and exciting, full of hope for what God will do through those times they spend with Him.
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The disciples didn’t ask Jesus to teach them how to heal the sick or how to do miracles, but to teach them how to pray because they knew that the source of everything they saw in His life came from His prayer time.
When we have a lifestyle of prayer, connected to God and guided by the Holy Spirit, our daily living becomes exciting and full of satisfaction.
In “How To Pray Effectively” we teach about the different types of prayer (more than fifteen varieties), we explain intercession, spiritual warfare, and more. We answer important questions such as: Why should I pray if God knows everything? Why don’t I receive answers to my prayers sometimes? How to know the will of God to pray correctly?, and more.
This class will inspire you to live a life of intimacy with God, you will learn to dwell in safety, to know how to treat spiritually important issues; how to use your authority, how to defeat the enemy, how to establish through your intercession the will of God on Earth, among other topics.
I. Prayer, connection with God
II. The importance of prayer
III. Prayers of communion with God
IV. Prayers of petition
V. Intercession
VI. Prayer of government
VII. Intercession for the world
Meet your Instructors
Kees-Jan and Candy de Maa are dedicated to inspiring and equipping others so they can do what inspires them. They believe that every human being was created with a purpose, unique gifts and talents that are necessary contributions to our world. As we collaborate with others, together we can discover, design, shape and implement the designs that will help the different cultures flourish.
David Blunt
“These teachings are so RICH! with the anointing and power of prayer. And Dr. Carolyn Leaf was exceptional in her teaching of the mind and prayer WOW! Such practical steps with measurable progress coupled with laser focus on the things that need to be dealt with to take us to that place of the you God created us to be and to function.”
Ana Gonzalez
Thank you for these lessons Candy and Kees-Jan, they were all very good. I received much insight and light especially on reasons why some of my prayers haven't been answered yet, the importance of waiting on God, guarding our hearts, and persevering in prayer when other people are involved in bringing the answer. This was powerful. It encouraged me and built my faith knowing that God does hear me and the answers are on the way!
Maria Thelma Alfaro
“Wow! Glory to God! Thank you, Thank you, for bringing these teachings, God is always on time, given us what we need, so many times we focus in the problem and not enough in God that has the solution, making the problem bigger that our God, I have learn a lot today. Thank you again.”